
K & S Sales, Inc. was incorporated in the State of Texas in 1989 by Kenn & Sandra Hill of Odessa, Texas. Sandra attended Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas and majored in business education. She was in management with Texas Electric Company in Odessa, Texas for 20 years before accepting an early retirement package in 1992. Upon retiring from TXU, she immediately obtained her Texas Realtors license and in 1993 was named Realtor “Rookie of the Year” in Odessa, Texas. Sandra is an avid amateur golfer with a six handicap and has held the Ladies Club Champion title at Odessa Country Club three times (1990, 2000 and 2003).
Sandra is Secretary/Treasurer of K & S Sales, Inc.
Kenn completed high school in Odessa, Texas in 1952 and also attended TCU in Fort Worth. He was a voice music major. He is active in several organizations, such as, the Masons, Shriners, Royal Order of Jesters and is a member of the Odessa Chuck Wagon Gang. The “Gang” travels throughout the country serving chuck wagon style bar-b-que to thousands to promote Odessa, Texas. His favorite Chuck Wagon Feed was in Odessa, Ukraine.
(Kenn is also an avid golfer but can’t beat Sandra)
In 1957, Kenn accepted a position with Oberkampf Supply, Inc. of Odessa, Texas as heating and air conditioning manager. At that time, Oberkampf was a plumbing wholesale distributor and did not have heating and air conditioning equipment. Kenn developed the heating and air conditioning division that proved to be a profitable and successful venture for the company and still is today. He was responsible for all purchasing & marketing of the heating and air conditioning equipment and supplies.
Kenn took early retirement also in 1993 to pursue a hobby turned business. This hobby was his handcrafted wood pens. His pen-making hobby was originally presented at various arts and craft shows and quickly turned into a growing business which later became KennsPenns.
Kenn learned the craft of handcrafting wood pens from his younger brother, Tom, who is a master pen maker. Today KennsPenns specializes in producing handcrafted pens from the fallen wood of historical trees and, with the help of brother Tom, has shipped pens to almost every state in the nation and to more than 40 countries, including Scottland, Russia, Ukraine, England, Canada, Vietnam, Rumania, Siberia, Red China and Japan.
In 1995, Kenn decided to try the new marketing method of selling products and created the KennsPenns website to market his hand-crafted wood pens.
Kenn decided it was time to retire from the heating and cooling business in 2006.
Rita took over the business, ironically following the footsteps of her grandfather who owned and operated his own Heating and Air Conditioning business in Edmond, Oklahoma from the early 1940’s to 1985.
Rita graduated as Liberal Arts Student of the Year 1996 from Lubbock Christian University in Lubbock, Texas. She served as District Secretary for Radio Shack, covering the states of Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico for nine years before being asked to join the staff at South Plains College in Lubbock, TX as Secretary to the Director.
Rita has spent the last several years running the business and will continue to sell the cooling and heating products. When time and weather permit, Rita is in the saddle horseback riding with membership in two horseback riding associations.
Rita is an “Okie”, and we now have our main office located in the beautiful state of Oklahoma.